3-Day Intensive Classroom Masterclass Training With Andrew Parr

Add To Your Knowledge, Increase Your Skills & Boost Your Success In 2020 & Beyond

hi alice


This course is ideal for anyone wanting to increase their therapeutic skills, create success in their business or practice, and finally realise their true potential.

Enhance your skills, get focused & ignited to launch or expand your business in 2020 & beyond.

Get intensive practical experience to accelerate your results and boost success rates

Discover how to market yourself properly to achieve your financial goals.

"I believe choosing the right teacher, is as important - if not more important - than choosing the right course. There are many people who can teach, and teach very well. But I believe it is my job not just to teach you but to trigger something personal within you, to ignite a desire & passion within you ... and then teach and inspire you to use that passion to make a difference in the world."

Andrew Parr, Founder, Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Training

In these 3 intensive days you will:

Get a distilled version of all my learning in the essential elements required to help you bring about deep and lasting transformations in the clients seeking your help.

Gain a deeper understanding of the crossover between therapies to help you feel confident integrating Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Coaching & Counselling.

Future-proof your skills and knowledge to gain a therapeutic advantage in 2020 & beyond!

Here's what you'll get:

  • Complete set of notes and information on how to create deep and lasting change
  • The U-Flow Method for identifying & transforming limiting beliefs
  • Word for word script of the combined induction I use 90% of the time nowadays to get people into what I call the "Access State" within minutes
  • Understanding of The E.S.C.A.P.E. /Stress Response Connection & why it is so important
  • Every element of the "Deep Transformation" process and how to use it effectively in practice
  • How to overcome even the most stubborn resistance & still transform people's lives
  • Understanding of the amazing benefit of combining hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, coaching and counselling
  • Live demos in front of the class
  • Opportunities to practice on fellow attendees
  • Certificate of Attendance In Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Coaching & Counselling  (if not yet qualified with me)
  • Enhanced "Combined Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Coaching & Counselling" certificate if you have already completed your original Andrew Parr Diploma

Plus YOUR questions answered and much, much more ...

  • We'll review techniques you may already be familiar with from previous trainings and share my latest insights and discoveries to give you something new.
  • I'll do my best to cram as much learning as possible into three amazing days!
  • Leave feeling inspired, motivated, rejuvenated ... and more confident in your ability to help others and move your goals forward in 2020 and beyond.

Get all the skills and knowledge you need to help the 29 million UK Adults Trying To Lose Weight Right Now ...


Your Tutor

A unique opportunity to learn, experience, or transform your skills and knowledge, with Andrew Parr - one of the UK's most experienced Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Practitioners & Trainers ...

Time & Date

Date: Saturday 12th January 2019

Time: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location:  Ashdown Park Hotel & Country Club, East Sussex, RH18 5JR

Tutor: Andrew Parr

Fee: £250 (Or spread the cost 2 x £125)

Valid CPD: Yes

Valid Classroom Time: 8 Hours

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What are your goals? Let's talk about it...

  • Are you feeling like you are stuck in a rut?

  • Do you feel like you are sliding all over the place with no direction??

  • Are you facing professional, organizational or personal challenges or frustrations?

  • Do you need help to find solutions to conundrums?

Include more information here

Clear and pragmatic, we believe that success comes in many shapes and sizes. As a qualified company, we can help you to focus on what success means to you as an individual so that you can then move forward confidently and with a spring in your step.

What we offer

Are you ready to level up your Business?

List your offer here

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Our process

Our Guarantee To help You Upgrade to the next level

Crossroads are an inevitable part of life offering us many different paths on which to travel. All too often we cannot see the wood through the trees and create our own barriers to decision making and success. Sometimes having help to focus on what you really want to have happen – and what you need to do to achieve it – will give you that nudge and set you off in the direction that is right for you. So here is how we can help...

Include what your process to success is

Pellentesque blandit, arcu vitae dapibus scelerisque, ex arcu iaculis ante, sed egestas dui sem at orci. Nullam eget mollis orci. Aenean sollicitudin ex at nulla imperdiet, quis venenatis enim porttitor.

Include what your process to success is

Donec ultrices faucibus mi ut gravida. Nulla ornare condimentum varius. Aenean interdum odio ac elit mattis, ac auctor tellus consectetur. Etiam dictum non sapien in posuere.

Include what your process to success is

Sed vehicula tristique gravida. Donec euismod arcu neque, sit amet euismod lectus fringilla quis. Integer justo urna, hendrerit suscipit iaculis a, pulvinar nec tellus.

THe fine details of your offer

So here's how we can help you level up! With this exclusive offer That you can access right now!

Offer #1

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Offer #2

The Name of your offer

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  • Description of your offer here...

  • Description of your offer here...

  • Description of your offer here...

  • Description of your offer here...

  • Description of your offer here...

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Just Look At These Results!

"I absolutely loved this program! It walked me step by step through the exact process that I needed in order to achieve the results that I wanted within my life and business! I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to level up!"

The Client Name

Their title

"I absolutely loved this program! It walked me step by step through the exact process that I needed in order to achieve the results that I wanted within my life and business! I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to level up!"

The Client Name

Their Title

"I absolutely loved this program! It walked me step by step through the exact process that I needed in order to achieve the results that I wanted within my life and business! I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to level up!"

The Client Name

Their Title


The About Section

Donec augue risus, malesuada eget risus et, tincidunt aliquet erat. Suspendisse ante diam, elementum vel nulla at, porttitor iaculis ante. Sed et tempor odio. Curabitur non neque aliquet, pretium leo at, lacinia quam. Nulla convallis, ex id fringilla sollicitudin, ex libero tempor enim, eu mollis mauris lacus id lacus. Fusce eu interdum lacus. In imperdiet interdum porttitor. Phasellus porta bibendum purus at congue. Aliquam rutrum magna mi, non laoreet enim rutrum a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus elementum, felis sed pellentesque dictum, lacus nibh cursus nisl, non condimentum sem quam quis justo.

  • Cras sollicitudin varius elit

  • Duis vulputate mollis mi, eget efficitur lorem iaculis non

  • Vestibulum euismod auctor leo

  • Maecenas dapibus tellus nisl

  • Pellentesque at dapibus ligula

  • Suspendisse euismod urna eu bibendum maximus

Frequent Q&A

Here are some of the common questions...

Aliquam accumsan quam vestibulum erat maximus euismod. Ut sed convallis dolor. Proin suscipit odio quis sagittis posuere. Quisque et neque iaculis, scelerisque augue eget, sagittis sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sit amet ultricies diam. Sed eu placerat eros.

Integer porta lectus metus, sed vehicula sapien ultricies vel. Sed semper nisi est, eget venenatis turpis vestibulum sed. Integer pharetra pharetra nunc, pharetra dapibus enim fringilla efficitur. Curabitur feugiat mollis lectus sit amet varius. Duis quis elit ligula. Praesent et erat vestibulum, bibendum sem quis, posuere quam. Sed feugiat suscipit euismod. Sed feugiat dolor libero, vitae fermentum metus euismod non. Vestibulum accumsan elementum dignissim.

Ut nec libero eget eros luctus aliquam. Integer efficitur libero et risus faucibus, non iaculis est rutrum. Sed tempor, urna vel egestas mollis, dolor orci efficitur magna, id tempor arcu dui ut velit. Integer odio tellus, placerat in aliquam et, dapibus malesuada tortor. Phasellus nisl risus, fringilla et volutpat pretium, placerat finibus risus. Vivamus quis risus sit amet arcu ultricies facilisis a sed lacus. Aenean ante turpis, blandit vel ultrices id, ullamcorper eget massa. Morbi viverra pretium porta.

Integer efficitur scelerisque ante eu consequat. Sed vulputate felis auctor, lobortis lacus ut, lobortis odio. Maecenas dictum eros eu sollicitudin tempus. Nullam sit amet velit dictum, pharetra nisl non, sagittis magna. Nunc tristique porttitor ligula ullamcorper malesuada. Cras ultrices tincidunt ipsum, a placerat velit. Proin malesuada mauris vitae libero lobortis, vestibulum aliquam lacus bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Nulla facilisi. Aenean non turpis vulputate, scelerisque nibh at, tristique neque. Curabitur efficitur ac leo ut hendrerit. Donec rutrum arcu purus, non placerat ipsum accumsan vitae. Mauris blandit justo ac neque vestibulum, et posuere enim gravida.

Curabitur non luctus justo, ac luctus nisi. In elit lorem, pharetra at urna at, ullamcorper efficitur arcu. Donec mollis tristique placerat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec rhoncus purus in convallis scelerisque. Vivamus ut viverra elit. Maecenas vitae tincidunt ligula. Nunc mattis molestie dapibus. Nullam sagittis, odio quis laoreet blandit, ante lorem maximus neque, at tempor ante arcu non diam. Proin id viverra purus, et posuere orci.

Curabitur dolor quam, molestie pulvinar erat vitae, dignissim aliquam eros. Curabitur ac tempor nisl. In facilisis molestie est et luctus. Integer cursus tincidunt sapien eget efficitur. Nulla facilisi. Mauris maximus est non elit eleifend venenatis. Praesent ac interdum nulla. Phasellus molestie, est vitae volutpat semper, enim mauris laoreet ipsum, id mattis lorem risus sit amet velit. Etiam tincidunt, lacus id sollicitudin ultricies, lacus nisl sodales turpis, at posuere quam orci nec enim. Ut malesuada at lacus non aliquam. Praesent eget accumsan metus, sed lacinia justo. Pellentesque quis vulputate tortor. Praesent vitae congue erat. Aliquam nisl nunc, cursus in consequat ac, dictum ac tellus.

Call to action

Ready to level up your life and business?

Prepare to be profoundly moved and deeply inspired. Prepare to be taken on a journey. If you are interested in taking your business to the next level, please click below!

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Professional & Personal Development Coach

What Is The Mindset You Need To Have Success In This World?

Helping You Overcome Your Personal, Relationship, and Business Communication Challenges.

Contact Me

Arrange A Free Consultation

We can explore how I can help you to keep moving forward.

About Me

I'm Grace, Professional & Personal Development Coach

I am passionate about working with my clients to empower them to move from "Great to Brilliant" in all aspects of their life, while remaining true to their values through coaching, changing careers and more.

What are your goals? Let's talk about it

Are you at a crossroads where you want to focus on who, what and how you want to be as you move forward in your life and work?

  • Are you feeling like you are stuck in a rut?

  • Do you feel like you are sliding all over the place with no direction??

  • Are you facing professional, organisational or personal challenges or frustrations?

  • Do you feel that you have the talents and desire to improve your performance?

  • Are you actually doing OK at work and want to maintain or accelerate progress?

  • Are you concerned about key life changes?

  • Do you want to change perceived insurmountable barriers into hurdles to be jumped?

  • Are you struggling to really know what you want and how to get there?

  • Do you want to be in control and/or have more enjoyment in your life?

  • Do you need help to find solutions to conundrums?


How I Can Help

I Have Been There, I Understand The Dynamics And I Can Help You

Crossroads are an inevitable part of life offering us many different paths on which to travel. All too often we cannot see the wood through the trees and create our own barriers to decision making and success. Sometimes having help to focus on what you really want to have happen – and what you need to do to achieve it – will give you that nudge and set you off in the direction that is right for you. Clear and pragmatic, I believe that success comes in many shapes and sizes. As a qualified Life Coach, I can help you to focus on what success means to you as an individual so that you can then move forward confidently and with a spring in your step.

As Featured In


Don’t let your subconscious dictate your future!

Are You Ready To Discover And Play Your Biggest Game While Helping Others Transform Their Lives For The Better?

I teach effective tools to overcome adversity, master change, and advance professional achievements. My vision and clarity, honest and encouraging communication, and gift in actuating the steps towards my clients’ success and fulfillment make an invaluable asset to businesses and nonprofits alike.

Personal Coaching

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Relationship Coaching

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Business Communication Coaching

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Rave Reviews

What My Clients Are Saying

"I can't say enough wonderful things about Grace! In our first session, she helped me troubleshoot a challenging work situation and visualize what a better opportunity might look like. She is a great listener and I was impressed by how quickly she could dialogue about the specifics of my workplace and some of the challenges that were unique to me/my family and my work sector. She challenged me to think about what success looks like for me, and made specific suggestions for how to get there. Grace is clearly a champion for her clients!"


"Grace is a gifted, whip-smart, and wise career coach. Working with her was a terrific experience. She helped me transition from my previous career, putting me on a more fulfilling path forward. Her energy, enthusiasm, and optimism are infectious. I felt energized after every session with her. Now that we are in the midst of this great transition in terms of career-life, I’m grateful to have worked with Grace when I did. My time with her has helped me navigate the covid world with much more confidence and ease."


Your New Way of Being Begins Today!

Contact me and begin your journey towards peace, love, and joy!

When you work with a coach, expect great change. You will clarify your goal, experience new insights, and take action. If you could have done it yourself, you would have by now.

Grace Audrey


Sign Up For Your Coaching Intro Session

Ready To Get Started?

Prepare to be profoundly moved and deeply inspired. Prepare to be taken on a journey. If you are interested in having Grace speak at one of your events, in person or virtually, please click below to fill out the form, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

© 2024 Grace Audrey | All rights reserved.