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Be the Best
Did anybody ever tell YOU this as a child …? (See below)
Chances are, nobody told you some very important things when you were young.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it now …
Follow these steps precisely and repeat daily until the words are embedded in the back of your mind … You’ll be amazed at the results.
1. Whatever your personal area of fear, anxiety or insecurity, imagine it as a little child within you.
2. Imagine where that ‘younger you’ is in your body. Maybe it’s your chest, maybe your stomach. Maybe somewhere else.
3. Put your attention on that ‘younger you’ and create an image of him/her as you watch this video below.
4. Channel the words and feel of this song, through you, down to that ‘younger you’.

Stay focused on that ‘younger you’ area of your body while you watch… Repeat daily until these words are embedded …