Andrew Parr Presents
The BIOTAB Method
"A Revolutionary NEW Approach That Will Elevate Your Therapy Skills, Boost Your Confidence & Help You Create Deep & Rapid Results For Your Clients - Faster Than Anything I Know"
4-Part Live Online Masterclass With Andrew Parr
Starts 7 pm UK Time Wednesday 8th March 2023
"Genius" "Awe-Inspiring" "Ground-Breaking"

"Simply Awe-Inspiring"
"I am so pleased to have been fortunate enough to experience this amazing technique first hand, from someone who is a master of their craft.
As a dedicated C-PTSD Therapist and Trainer, this approach will be invaluable to me, and to them, both personally and professionally.
Over the years I've learned many effective techniques from many sources, but this simple, yet flexible, easy to apply, step by step method is ground-breaking.
And what makes it so, is it goes beyond uncovering and changing hidden core beliefs, to elegantly reaching the beliefs which form the very foundation of the individual's sense of self upon which those core beliefs are built ...
... providing a unique opportunity to bring about truly life changing transformation at the very deepest level of their being.
Simply Awe Inspiring."
Theresa Kelly - C-PTSD Therapist & Trainer
If you sometimes struggle to get the results you want with clients...
Or would like to add a faster, more effective technique to your skillset ...
Or even just a boost to your confidence ...
“Here’s Your Chance to Copy the Exact Same Process I Now Use Everyday to Uncover & Address The Real Cause of Client Issues Without Using Regression Or Any Of The Usual Techniques”
I went from crossing my fingers and trusting the process would get there eventually, (which it nearly always did, to be fair) ... to a more direct, more dynamic, sense of certainty ... that I knew would get there, to create a deeper sense of peace, calm and release, faster than I have before ... and so can you!

Andrew Parr
Author [The Real You], Speaker, Personal Development Specialist & Professional Hypnotherapist With 30+ Years Experience
For a moment, I found myself at a loss as to how to proceed. I'd known the client sat before me for a few years now, and had helped him create incredible changes.
But, bizarrely, he seemed to have relapsed to the worst I'd ever seen him.
Sure, there'd been a build up of recent life events leading up to the recent episodes ... but even so, it didn't make sense why he should be feeling so low, so lost, so desperate.
We'd already had a few intense sessions over the previous couple of weeks, but despite my best efforts, nothing seemed to be working.
We'd done a lot of regression when we first met, and cleared through a huge amount of childhood trauma, with great benefit, and now it seemed a pointless exercise to go there.
Every moment of every day had become an intense struggle, and he was beginning to lose faith.
I was his last hope again, as I had been before, only this time, I seemed to be failing too.
Snapping to my senses after a moment of quiet and realising he was looking at me desperately, expectantly, I asked him to settle back and close his eyes, buying myself some time.
"Just take a breath and relax a moment", I said, but I could hear the lack of conviction in my own voice.
"C'mon!", I silently chastised myself. "Focus!"
But on what? Although rare for me, I was literally at a loss ... and so I did part of an exercise I had been teaching on my "Living From The Real You" course.
I surrendered, I let go, I stopped thinking of what to do. "Help me", I quietly said to myself, and let go again, just focusing on a loving and peaceful outcome for the client before me.
I resisted the urge to act or speak, and just sat with the silence a while longer ... when suddenly the client started to speak, but in a slightly unusual way.
At first my heart sank, as the words spoken seemed to reinforce the hopelessness of the situation.
"Trust", I told myself. "Trust yourself, trust the moment", I said, getting back into what I call my "Point Of Power".
And as I said these words to myself, an inkling of an idea came to mind.
"Keep going", I told the client, but not actually knowing what to do next.
"Now do this", I instructed, still unsure what to do next.
"Now this", I instructed, becoming slightly intrigued ... and then I sat back, as moments later, the client hit the spot we'd been looking for.
A huge abreaction followed and as it did, I instinctively knew what to do next, keeping the client in the moment while the process completed.
"I feel a weight has been lifted", said the client after a pause. "I feel different".
I sat back, gently breathing a quiet sigh of relief, running through what just happened so I could lock it in my mind to use again.
I didn't have to wait long. A new client I'd never met before booked in a course of sessions, and at our first meeting it was like I hit a brick wall.
Seizing the opportunity I switched to my new approach and we immediately made progress, which continued to improve with each session.
I now integrate this approach into every session in one way or another, sometimes as a stand alone treatment, sometimes blending it with other techniques.
But I wonder how I ever managed without it ...
“If You Can Adopt ONE Simple But Profound Idea I Can Teach You How To Take Your Therapy Skills To New Levels Forever”
- This will be a 4-part Live, Online Training with myself (Andrew Parr) sharing new methods I've developed that will dramatically advance your skills, confidence and results.
- You will find this especially useful if you prefer a more coaching type approach, but want to get the type of deeper releases, associated with deep hypnosis.
- You will find this great for accelerating results with ANY type of clients, either as a stand-alone approach or integrating with other protocols.
- PLUS ... you can even use this on yourself!
The answer to all problems is very simple once you know where to look!
'A HUGE Thank you from my heart"
"I just felt an overwhelming rush of love - I can't describe it!"
"Genius - Brilliant New Approach"
"You’ll be able to apply these new ideas and observe the results from your very next client …"
PLUS - You can even use this on yourself!
4 Part Live Online Masterclass
Dates: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th March 2023
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Fee: £295 or 5 x £65
4-Part Live Online Masterclass With Andrew Parr
The B.I.O. Mind Model & T.A.B. Process
One-Day Masterclass
Immediate Access Available Now
1 x £395 or 4 x £99
What You'll Learn In This Masterclass ...
The B.I.O. Model That Creates Problems & Solutions
The T.A.B. Process For Accessing & Releasing
How You CAN Implement This NOW Wherever You Are
Apply This To Your Own Life
Share With Loved Ones
Use On People You Work With

"Elevate your therapy skills & give your business and confidence a huge boost for 2023."
4-Part Online Masterclass
With Andrew Parr
Join Today Just £295 or 5 x £65
Book Your Place Here Today
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