Understanding & Treating
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
C-PTSD Foundation Course - Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training
6 Week Online Evening Class
what is c-ptsd?
C-PTSD, as the name suggests, is a more complex version of what most people know as PTSD.
However, not only does it share the same features as PTSD, but it also has additional ones, which can make life extremely challenging for those living with the condition, and problematic when it comes to treatment.
This combination of features means C-PTSD is unlikely to respond to the usual treatments for PTSD. In fact, standard PTSD treatments can often exacerbate C-PTSD!
Estimates suggest that PTSD affects around 5% of the UK population and around 8% of the US population - and 25%-50% of those qualify as C-PTSD - which equates to around 1.5 million people in the UK, and up to 4 million people in the US.
Is this a new condition?
C-PTSD has undoubtedly existed for as long as there has been trauma and abuse, but it has only recently begun to be recognised as a condition in its' own right, with a unique set of symptoms, requiring a very specific treatment protocol.
In this first of it's kind training, Theresa Kelly will give you the skills to both recognise the symptoms of C-PTSD and treat the causes, to help liberate sufferers of this debilitating condition in the right way.
Whilst the condition is not new, the way in which it is being recognised and diagnosed is, which is leading to an increasing demand for effective treatments.
gain a head start on this hot topic
This is an excellent opportunity to gain a head start treating a relatively unfamiliar condition which is poised to become universally recognised as a major mental health issue with serious social implications.
C-PTSD is now included in ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases) which has resulted in a lot of research and discussion, and awareness will only grow in the coming months and years.
As a result there will be a reduction in misdiagnosis of other conditions like borderline personality as well as traditional PTSD, leading to greater demand to treat C-PTSD.
develop your expertise
As more people seek help for C-PTSD, demand for expert practitioners will arise, and this course will help you gain expertise in a rapidly growing market, where specialist help is needed, and demand is increasing.
You will also be helping to improve the lives of the hardest to help people whose suffering is being exacerbated by lack of understanding and ineffective treatment.
- Understanding Trauma
- PTSD - Complex Trauma - C-PTSD
- Identifying signs and symptoms
- C-PTSD and the ‘F’ response
- Emotional Flashbacks
- Understanding the Freeze response
- Dissociation
- Toxic Shame
- Toxic Stress
- Suicide Ideation
- Dealing with sexual abuse
- The Re-Traumatisation Cycle and how to avoid it
- Crisis Management & Prevention
- Safe information gathering
- Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma Informed Practice
- A phased based approach to recovery - Stabilisation, Processing, Re-integration
- How this fits with your role as your client’s Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Coach.
- Applying a framework for treatment
- Using psychoeducation effectively
- Practical Hypnotherapy for C-PTSD, which techniques to use, when and how
- Barriers to recovery and how to overcome them.
- Self Help for clients and therapists
- Post Traumatic Growth
- Make full use of the Andrew Parr Academy principles and techniques you’ve already been taught or are learning.
- Peer support, networking opportunities, online community with additional free resources and future discounts
- Access to more expert information, including specialist personal therapy / coaching, mentoring and ACCPH Supervision.
- This can be taken as a standalone course, or as the first part of Trauma Therapy & Training's ACCPH Accredited C-PTSD Diploma.
WHo should attend?
Whilst not suitable for complete beginners, this course IS suitable for any students or practitioners with an understanding of regression therapy and hypno-analysis, who wish to deepen their skills and knowledge.
Each Session equates to 2 CPD points.
Completion of the full course provides12 CPD points.
There is no course work to submit.
Fully Certified With The ACCPH & More (See Below)

Early Bird Offer Expires In ...

Theresa's warmth, depth of knowledge and commitment to spreading the word on this debilitating condition is truly humbling.
If you have any connection with treating trauma, abuse, using regression therapy or treating 'normal' PTSD, the information she will share with you is priceless.
Andrew Parr.
Andrew Parr Academy of Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis
With C-PTSD Specialist Theresa Kelly

Dates, Times & Details
6-week Online Study Course by evening class, 7pm to 9pm on the following dates:
Thursday 2nd November 2023
Thursday 9th November 2023
Thursday 16th November 2023
Thursday 23rd November 2023
Thursday 30th November 2023
Thursday 7th December 2023
Usual Fee: TBC
Discounted Fee for Andrew Parr Students / Graduates TBC
Instalment Option available
Early bird offer
Book Before ????? and save an additional ???
Total Saving of TBC
Secure Your Place Today With 100% Peace of Mind

About THeresa
Theresa holds Diplomas and Certifications in:
- Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Hypno Analysis
- EFT and
- Psychotherapy.
She has the following professional Memberships:
- National Council for Hypnotherapy
- Senior Member of ACCPH
- ACCPH Supervisor
- Member of UK Psychological Trauma Society
- Member of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
- Member of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)
Want To Know More?
A key feature of Trauma Therapy & Training's ethos is ensuring all of our students and graduates are fully supported at every stage of the process.
If there are any aspects of our C-PTSD training you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact Theresa directly and she will be happy to help.
Call or Text: 07594 233241
Email: [email protected]
“If we could somehow end child abuse and neglect, the eight hundred pages of DSM-5 (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders) would be shrunk to a pamphlet in two generations.”
― John Briere, Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry, past president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), and recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Science of Trauma Psychology.