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Here are 5 Basic Steps that you can begin right now, that will greatly INCREASE your chances of success in any area:
1. Take Absolute And Total Responsibility For Your Life.
Make sure you do not blame anyone or anything for any of your circumstances. Even if you feel you have been wronged, hurt or let down, blaming will never do you any good and it will never change your circumstances for the better.
Acknowledge and deal with the emotion you feel, but make sure you do not blame. Blame makes you powerless, when you are not. You are power-full.
2. Decide What You Want Very Clearly And Definitely
Whether it is to lose weight, get fit, get a new home, get a new job, get a new relationship, get well, get more money or whatever, be very clear about what you want. Write it down, say it aloud but make sure you CONFESS it to yourself, completely free of any fear, guilt, shame or embarrassment.
If you want it, you want it. Period. Admit it, write it down, speak it aloud and be done with holding yourself back from it.
3. Decide What You Are Going To GIVE In Order To Receive It.
Most people miss this one, especially if they are banking on the ‘Law Of Attraction’ to deliver. “As you sow, so shall you reap”. What are you willing to ‘sow’, in order to reap the benefit you are looking for?
If you wish to improve your health, body fitness and well-being, what are you willing to give to your body, in order to achieve that? If you wish to get a new relationship or improve an existing one, what are you willing to ‘give’ to that relationship, or to people you meet, in order to bring that about? If you wish to receive better pay in your business or employment, what are you willing to give in order that you ‘deserve’ the better pay? Once you know, start ‘giving’ it immediately.
4. Align Your Beliefs And Values In Order to ALLOW Yourself To Be Successful.
The first 3 steps are worthless if your beliefs and values contradict what you are seeking. You have to believe you can attain it and it must be meaningful and worth attaining. If you believe you are ‘less than’ or have an inner identity that is opposite to your goals, then you are in a quandary and will run into conflict and what many call ‘self-sabotage’.
Think about what you need to BELIEVE in order for you to realise your goals and think about what values you need to help you get there. For example, someone who believes they are a fat lump and their body is like a waste disposal unit, is in a much poorer place then someone who believes they can be fit and healthy and that their body is precious. Your beliefs and values are yours and yours alone – and you are free to change or update them whenever you wish.
5. Get On With It.
Just do it. If there is something you want to achieve this year, just get on with it and do it. Take the first step now and then see what happens. If you run into trouble or obstacles, which you will, then revisit the first four steps. The solution will be somewhere within them.
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