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The other day I came across a poem I had printed out many years ago.
As I read it I smiled and immediately sat down and made some notes, as it inspired me to take action to increase my own ‘Self Worth’
Have a read of it below, see what you think, and then follow the thoughts afterwards.
“I bargained with life for a penny,
And life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening time
When I counted my scanty store.
For Life is a just employer,
Who gives you what you ask.
Once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menials hire
Only to learn dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of life,
Life would have willingly paid!”
From personal experience this is so true.
There is also the famous Harvard experiment where exactly the same job, with the same job description was advertised in two different adverts in the same location, but with two different salaries.
Not surprisingly, the lower salary advert received multiple times more enquires than the higher salary advert – even though they were for exactly the same position, with exactly the same wording.
Many of us have a ‘fixed’ idea of what we are worth and what we can (ie are ‘allowed’ to) achieve, usually dictated by our peers, upbringing, and a variety of social factors.
However, the evidence suggests that it doesn’t matter what you were once led to believe or how strongly life seemed to reinforce it, once you can change your inner expectations, the outer world will offer opportunities for you to begin to expand and realise those inner expectations.
Many people grasp this idea and jump on “The Secret” or “The Law Of Attraction” bandwagon, but really miss the point…
It doesn’t matter how many affirmations you say, or how many visualisations you do, or how much positive thinking you think you do, if you don’t change your core, default setting beliefs, you will always end up back at your default situation, whatever that may be.
Here’s a little ‘self-worth’ exercise for you …
1. On a piece of paper, write down your approximate annual income as it is right now.
2. Now add an extra zero to the end – effectively multiplying your income by ten.
3. Now look at the the new figure and make a note of everything that comes up into your mind.
Every single one of those thoughts will be reflecting beliefs within you- that either support the idea of you earning more, or negate the idea.
Maybe you’d like to share a few below – it always helps to write them down and it always helps others to see limiting beliefs expressed that we can identify with – and then begin to deal with.
People earning ten times more than you, have a different set of beliefs and do things in a different way than you.
Another question: How would you have to change, or think differently, to allow your own ‘Self Worth’ to increase in such a way?
Again it will be ideas held within you that are influencing this. Feel free to share some below …
Obviously Self Worth is not just about money, but it’s a notable fact that many people who are settling for less financially, are also settling for less in other areas too…
Challenge your default beliefs and I GUARANTEE opportunities will arise that to reflect the new ideas.
You don’t have to be special to increase your self worth, far from it, but you do need think in a special way. People earning ten time’s more than you have already learned to do this and say ‘Yes’ to that amount, whatever it is.
How about you, are you ready …?